2/27/06: Starting with Issue 3 (summer), I am Fantasy Magazine's assistant/fiction editor. Elsewhere, I sold "Feeding the Machine" to PHANTOM magazine along with an interview of Stewart O'Nan.
12/31/05: Okay, a quick six months in review: I wrote some stuff. I had a book signing at a B. Dalton in the South Shore Plaza with Nick Mamatas (author of MOVE UNDER GROUND). My City Pier novella (title to be announced) will be reprinted by PointBlank books in '06. Sold my short story "It's Against the Law to Feed the Ducks" to Fantasy Magazine, issue 2, due in February.
6/24/05: "The Cuckoo in the Clock", co-written with Brett Savory, won a "Family Values" short story contest and is now up and running at deathlings.
5/15/05: "Dole as Ribbit(CITY PIER II) is now up and running at LENOX AVENUE.
3/5/05: "Meat's Story (CITY PIER I) is up and running at LENOX AVENUE. The 2004 Bram Stoker Preliminary ballot is out, and I have two short stories ("Reaching" and "The Strange Case of Nicholas Thomas...") and my book on it. Good luck to me!
1/13/05: Interview at STRANGE HORIZONS. Sold my CITY PIER novella (told in four parts) to LENOX AVENUE. That's all the terse news that's fit to print.
11/6/04: Interview/book review at BOSTON PHOENIX. Also, another interview and a short story, "The Strange Case of Nicholas Thomas: An Excerpt from A History of the Longesian Library", both posted at LENOX AVENUE. And finally, another book review. Take them apples.
10/13/04: LAST PENTACLE OF THE SUN: Writings in Support of the West Memphis Three is now out, available at amazon and all major chain bookstores. I'm very proud to be a part of this project and worthy cause. Go buy two or three!
8/19/04: Good words for COMPOSITIONS seem to be spreading, like a virus! David Niall Wilson (see front page for blurb and dave-link) has penned a wonderful, glowing review of the book to be published in CEMETERY DANCE. Very pleased. I'll be sure to post which issue. There's an online review HERE in the meantime. Other news.... My short story (set in the City Pier world) "The Strange Case of Nicholas Thomas" will be appearing at LENOX AVENUE in November, along with an interview with me. LAST PENTACLE OF THE SUN will be out in October.
4/2/04: Well, COMPOSITIONS FOR THE YOUNG AND OLD is offically out. There's going to be a release party at THE RIVER GODS on 125 River Steet in Cambridge, MA, 3:30pm to 5:00pm. I'll have twenty copies to hock at 33% off the cover price. How can you beat that? You can't.
2/9/04: The March RAZOR MAGAZINE issue with "Lies and Skin" hits the streets on Feb. 12th. Look for it. And, if you're reading this, I'm sure you noticed the new front page promoing my short-fiction collection. It's coming soon. You can't stop it. Buy one. Says me. Lastly, coming out within the month is the PUNKTOWN: THIRD EYE anthology with "The Dilky Never Landed".
11/04/03: Big short fiction sale to report: Steve Eller (that lovely bastard) and myself sold our collaborative short story, "Lies and Skin," to RAZOR MAGAZINE, a mag with 319,000 readers. We're very excited. The story is due in the February issue. Look for it in your local newstands. Also, I sold a the shorty, "I know..." to GOTHIC.NET, which will be my fourth tale to grace their webspace. It's nice to be loved by somebody...
8/21/03: Check out the REVIEWS page for advance blurbs (from Poppy Z. Brite, Stewart O'Nan, and Louis Maistros) for my new satire/comedy (that's right, no horrah) novel PHOBIA. The blurbs are so advance, the book doesn't even have a publisher yet! Heh. The long, arduous journey thus begins... Elsewhere, THE YEAR'S BEST HORROR AND FANTASY, 16TH EDITION (available at any fine bookstore) is out. And, I'm happy to report that three of my stories ("4'33," "The Laughing Man Meets Little Cat," and "With More Than Eyes") received Honourable Mentions. Cool. All three of those tales will be available in my collection mentioned below. Other odds and ends...just in case you were planning to, don't order VIVISECTIONS. The book is dead due to publisher problems. "Perfect," which appears in VIVISECTIONS, will also be in my collection. "The Laughing Man Meets Little Cat" is available in print now, appearing in issue 13 of FLESH AND BLOOD MAGAZINE. Flash fiction piece "The Ballad of Blood-Man" is up at DEATHLINGS.COM. The Red Sox are driving me insane...CHIZINE re-opens to submissions on September 1...busy, busy, busy.
7/21/03: The biggest news is that HOUSE OF DOMINION/PRIME BOOKS has accepted a fiction collection of mine, titled COMPOSITIONS FOR THE YOUNG AND OLD. Trade paperback, will be out in late '03 or early '04. Very cool. It'll contain about 20 stories, 6 or 7 will be original, the rest are reprints. The loose theme of the collection are stories that span a person's lifetime. The first stories deal with childhood, then grow older throughout the book, until the last story, which is about an old man suffering from Alzheimer's. Jeffrey Thomas has agreed to write the intro/forward that does not degrade me.
6/17/03: So what's up? Let's see. Two trade-paperback anthologies VIVISECTIONS featuring "Perfect" and BOOK OF FINAL FLESH (which is soon to be available at Amazon) featuring "So Many Things Left Out" are now available. Other news...Arsenal Pulp Press is planning to release a benefit anthology for the West Memphis Three; the book is to be released in Fall 2004. Editors Brett Savory and M. W. Anderson have invited me to submit along with a bunch of other way-more-talented folks (including the PARADISE LOST filmmakers). If you're not familiar with the case, go here and do some poking around: http://wm3.org. All proceeds from the book will go to the West Memphis Three Support Fund. Again, visit the site above to familiarize yourself with this case. You'll be astounded at what you read. And if your curiosity is piqued by the site, be sure to check out Mara Leveritt's DEVIL'S KNOT: THE TRUE STORY OF THE WEST MEMPHIS THREE from Atria books. It's a real eye-opener, and is guaranteed to make your blood boil at the way these poor kids were railroaded. They've been behind bars nearly 10 years for a crime they didn't commit.There's also a WM3 feature film in the works(http://us.imdb.com/Title?0362306), and Arsenal is hoping the film will be released around the same time as our book so that a giant spotlight is shone on the case, and more and more people will become involved... Finally, I just finished my satire novel and I'm happy with it. Now for the hard part: getting it published. Don't worry, I won't forget you little people when I'm rich and famous.
4/30/03: Okay, a few new things around these parts. First, I'll have a short story, "The Dilky Never Landed," in a PRIME books anthology titled PUNKTOWN: THIRD EYE. These stories are based in Jeffrey Thomas'PUNKTOWN (a book I highly recommend) world.
4/1/03: The final Stoker Ballot came out today, and I ain't on it. Congrats to the talented writers that made it and no sour grapes from me (at least not publically ). More news...the first issue of Tremblay edited CHIZINE stories is up. Mighty proud of these tales, do yourself a favor and check 'em out.
3/1/03: My short stories "4'33" and "The Laughing Man Meets Little Cat" have both made the Preliminary Ballot for the 2002 Bram Stoker Award for short fiction. Big thanks to all that recommended the tales.
2/15/03: My story "4'33" currently has 23 Bram Stoker Award recommendations for best short story 2002, the leader in the category. Pretty darn cool. What does that mean? It means I'm on the Preliminary ballot, then the HWA actives vote again.
"The Laughing Man Meets Little Cat" has seven recommendations while "With More Than Eyes" has three.
12/29/02: My contest winner, "The Laughing Man Meets Little Cat" has been picked up by FLESH AND BLOOD magazine for issue #13. I also sold "So Many Things Left Out" to BOOK OF FINAL FLESH. Have a fleshy holidays! |