THE CHAIROSCURO. It's where I edit now. A cool little 'zine before I got there, hopefully I won't screw it up.
STEWART O'NAN'S PAGE. A great writer. And a huge Red Sox fan...the sap.
POPPY Z. BRITE'S PAGE. Simply put, she's tha man.
SCOTT NICHOLSON'S PAGE. A heck of a writer, which means he often writes about heck. Um, not sure what that means... But seriously folks, Scott has the goods, both in short fiction and novels.
NEW ENGLAND HWA CHAPTER. Here's the local-yokel chapter of horror writer's. I like to call us "The Chowdah-heads."
KURT NEWTON. A dark, twisted, touch-a-nerve writer. He drives to Chicago well, too.
DAN KEOHANE. He's tall, like me. Though I think he should change how he pronounces his last name.
NECROPOLITAN PRESS / JEFFREY THOMAS web page. Author of the amazing sci-fi/fantasy/horror/kitchen sink fiction collection, PUNKTOWN. And he's obsessed with me!
MICHAEL JASPER. He writes horror, sci-fi, dark fantasy, Dear John letters, Hallmark cards, and bizarre manifestos for fringe groups. Needless to say, I like his work.
THE BIG PUNCH. The official site for Louis Maistros' masterwork (and no, I'm not exaggerating, ya bastids!). Good thing Louis is a good guy too, otherwise, I'd be too jealous and have to hurt him.
MORT CASTLE. A pro's pro who tells like it is and tells ya when it isn't. Reading his stuff makes be a better reader, writer, and person. Yeah, he's that good.
RALAN'S WEBSTRAVAGANZA. A free and complete speculative fiction market listing. Did I mention free? Free is good.
QUINTAINE AMERICANA. A kick-ass Boston band. Like Joe Landsdale meets Shellac.
BOB MOULD'S PAGE. He's the reason why I picked up the guitar. If you don't like his stuff, then you're a loser, says me.
simon logan. I look forward to reading everything simon has written. A ture original with a vision all his own.
DOUG LAIN. A fantasist with a large, cuddly social consceince. Follow the links to his fiction and read, and be converted.
BRETT SAVORY. The Pig-loving president of CHIZINE, and a gosh darn good writer too.